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TradeGate Finance's fee structure and terms are simple and straightforward:

  • Invoice Discount Fee
  • Wire or ACH Money Transfer Fee
  • Application Fee

You get immediate CASH that you can use to meet payroll, pay your bills, attract new customers, or to use for just about anything related to your business.  We also manage the collection of the receivables from your customers, so you can focus on what you do best!  Factoring can help you improve your working capital, which will enable you to grow your business.​

How Factoring Works

What's In It For You?

Factoring is the purchase of accounts receivables; it is not a loan.  Once you and your customer(s) have been approved, you can decide which invoices you want to factor.  This allows you to better manage your cash flow.  Once you have decided to factor an invoice:

  • You provide us with the invoice 
  • We advance the invoice amount (less a security reserve) to you, via check, wire or ACH Money Transfer
  • After we have collected the proceeds of the invoice from your customer, we will forward the outstanding balance of the invoice to you, minus our fee

Starting Fees as low as 
$1 per $100 funded

How It Works

TradeGate Finance, Inc. purchases invoices, at a discount, for immediate cash.

When a small company has accounts receivables, it can take weeks, or even months to see any of that money.  TradeGate Finance can purchase those receivables, at a predetermined price, giving you CASH for your invoices right away.​

If you have any more questions please Contact TradeGate Finance, and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. 


(847) 386-6214

What We Do


295 Seven Farms Dr. 
Suite C-192
Charleston, SC 29492